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by Platform Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for SMFSMF
MIAS5PVJHFFixed a problem where the SMF data, Mail_Number_Of_Mailboxes was incorrect. This regression was introduced in 6.0.
Hide details for SSLSSL
GRER5PGHJZSSL failure on the OS/390 and z/OS platforms, if the Notes.ini SSL variables are mismatched.
Hide details for XMLXML
HRON5RVK2LAn XSL transform caused the server to crash. The transform appeared to work, but on take down, the destructors caused the Domino server to crash. ...
Hide details for  6.0.3 6.0.3
Hide details for DECSDECS
WSCT5HRSTYFixed an error received when trying to create a connection document for a table with a double byte name, in the DECS administrator.
Hide details for DomconDomcon
RSCF5G3R9AFixed a problem where Domcon fails with "270 error" if the Server ID is logged on and using VIASCII. Domcon prestart and cleanup processing checks...
RSCF5G3JLJFixed the case of DOMINS failure with error# 273 when memory is 'attached' by one or more tasks on the other server partition(s).
Hide details for Full-text indexingFull-text indexing
TCHL5PRNJUFixed a problem where US English text attachments were not indexed properly.
Hide details for Java ConsoleJava Console
MROE5MEFKRJava Console fix for using non-English locales. Prior to this fix the locale settings were ignored.
Hide details for ServerServer
ALEE5E6KS9Fault Recovery Error "Lotus Notes: error 0x143" (and CEE5209S) after a child was terminated from signal 9.
HANA5J2R7FThis fix corrects a misleading DTrace error message on OS/390.
GCHU5LXHVKFixed a problem where "nsd -batch" was not invoked during the Fault recovery process.
JHEG5PKRJTFixed a Panic on domdsmc archivelog.
MIAS5PRJ58Fixed a random fatal error that occurs just when the stack guard page is large.
CGOH5E2PBYWhen the environment variable, OS390_DOMINO_SVC_DUMP=11, is set before starting the Domino Server, an LE/RTL abend occurs and the server fails to...
TCHL5PBJAC"Unable to get $PATH" error message displayed on the z/OS platform.
Hide details for Server AdministrationServer Administration
SPOE5JMQQVDisk statistics were being incorrectly reported on the z/OS and OS/400 platforms. This caused problems for customers who use the IBM Tivoli Analyzer...
CSAH5QCRSQFixed an S/390 and z/OS server display problem where characters were displayed as umlauts, when they should have been left and right...
Hide details for StatisticsStatistics
JBON5L8FGDFixed a problem where S/390 disk statistics were reported incorrectly, causing major problems with Activity Trends Resource...
Show details for Web ServerWeb Server


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